Thursday, December 27, 2007

Newborn Sounds Flemmy


Last year's model, this is a beautiful fox. The beginning of this model was very curious because a few days ago by designing a few models but were 1x2 paper and which design a fox, out came the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking my own fox but a single square of paper so I decided to use the basis for the reindeer did but of course, with some modifications. This model is a bit easier what makes it nice for my liking and hopefully to everyone's taste.

The model emerged from a 25x25 cm sheet of paper is completely made Handmade paper and not have any finish.

With this model I fire this year and wish everyone a happy new year 2008 and it is full of success for all.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Grecian Style Headpieces

As one close friend models allowed, because this is one of them which I've always wanted to do , although I have two more. An earlier version and below the fungus gnome, but I wanted something more in this model, it was a bit simple in its folds folded and were more natural without forcing the paper. And I think I succeeded.

were two and half months of work with this model the paper fighting fix these little mistakes that had even take this model to event that took place in Cali in November but this was a small mistake but I corrected it and good at so I could finish him, but after the martyrdom was complete with photos which I did not like much but I more or less the figure. The model is made of paper and paper craf more a bond with a cmc size 35 * 35-fold dry final touches to the cmc.

For the first time I worked as a model, to seek solutions and proportions, but the satisfaction of all that time and have ended model is full of encouragement to pursue other projects.