Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Diabetes Drivers Licence

Web 2.0

The evolution of service-oriented architecture, the gradual emergence of portals and the emergence of Web 2.0, are promoting the need for a single point of access to information, applications and services which each person needs access, a mashup of applications and custom services for customers, citizens, employees and suppliers of the organization "

Financial Aggregator Intelligent Innovation Culture 2.0


Business Case
Cantabria Cultural Heritage

Product Sheet - Work4Me
Product Sheet - Tramits4Me

information systems are becoming the nervous system of any organization agile, dynamic and flexible. The nervous system must obtain, transmit, integrate and communicate information, events and activities happening quickly and concisely. Work4Me iSOCO is the platform that has been developed to implement this organizational nervous system solutions based on opensource .

Web 2.0, interactivity and the social web is the essence of these solutions:

- dynamic contents generated by the community.
- forums, wikis, blogs, ...
- collaborative tools and community.
- RSS.
- SOA.
- Rich Internet Applications (Ajax, DWR, ...).
- content aggregation.

Our virtual desktop is made up of collaborative and community elements typical of Web 2.0, but also functional components, developed as JSR-168 portlets as

- HR components such as management holiday, applications, resource stocks and procedures.
- information access tools such as timeline, map resources, advanced search engine.
- Soluciones of online marketing.
- agregador of aplicaciones web.


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