Monday, March 7, 2011

Price Large Outdoor Screen

No. 3: Codes of Color

All Copic markers have their own code. Buy and use MAY BE complicated if we do not know the code they use.
Sketch As always use the example always put this model, if you know one and want to provide information can do so through the comment, we all appreciate!

The structure of the Copic code is as follows:
  • 1 or 2 Lyrics
  • Several numbers
Take for example the following color:

What do the letters of the code? : letters typology classifies colors or family, we have:
B - Blue: Blue
BG - Blue Green: Blue Green
BV - Blue Violet: Violet Blue
G - Green: Green
YG - Yellow Green: Yellow Green
Y - Yellow: Yellow
YR - Yellow Red: Red Yellow
R - Red: Red
RV - Red Violet: Violet Red
V - Violet: Violet
E - Earth: Earth
C - Cool Gray Cool Gray
N - Neutral Gray Neutral Gray ;
T - Toner Gray Toner Gray
W - Warm Gray: Warm Grey

What the numbers mean?:
The numbers explain the quantities of bright colors, dark colors and gray colors in the pen. Looking
any marker, we see that the first number indicates the SATURATION , or how much of vibrant color is: 0 be very vibrant, while 9 be more dull or gray.
The last number indicates how clear is the President of that group marker saturation.

For example, the number BG01 is clear, and it would be a good color to enhance, give reflections ... The BG05 is a vibrant mid-tone or half tone color. The BG09 would be perfect for the shade together in this range.
If for example the replacement of the BG99 BG09 by , too gray shade add to our mix and be out of place:

Hope this helps you choose colors and also when do the mixes:)
I leave another stamp in my colored by some time:)


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