Sunday, April 8, 2007

Can You Be Healthy Without Your Gallbladder


Juan Godoy, Chile
Anmerkung: Lektüre empfohlen für Menschen mit Fischnerven ...

Es ist nicht leicht, einen Fisch zu überzeugen davon, oder auch nur zu ihm
sagen, dass he is not a frog. Major problems were
inevitable. The fish had been completely sealed off and greeted
not even his mother. Throughout the day, he looked like the frogs
to ... One evening the idiot jumped out of the
pond to skip like the little frog, which turned out to be a
flop. He could not breathe and was more over there than over here ...
A young and winsome frog wife saved his life
He fell in love with his savior ... He showed her his big
lead-gray eyes and delighted them with water plants ... But the
could not go well, oh no ... Because everything was hopeless, completely
particularly But to stop the hand of Fröschin, for this would
he probably never implemented. How
wept because the fish! ... It is said that his tears were green ...
and one evening, God knows what home is looking for a whale-time miracle
the ponds, the fish became a frog.
It was beautiful and deeply sad. The parents of the fish
wept whether his disappearance, while the Rettungsfröschin him winking
know ... All night long they sang to the moon.
loved and safe ... but in the morning the fish was not a frog
more. Then came
many frogs with lead-gray eyes to the world ...
and the fish ... or fish dad played mit mit seinen Sprösslingen,
wie seine Mutter mit ihm früher.


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