Sunday, April 8, 2007

Holmes Air Filter Red Light

A POEM OF LOVE along the Danube

Alejandro Avella, Spain

I see your eyes in mine
your tears come to
wind but tears do not fall to the ground
only poems written in the wind We are trees with roots

wind tore the leaves
soil, or migratory birds
stars of Red Army troops in the wind Blood
taste of your vineyards
today your table

tears of the people gathered at night

the banks of the Danube river water we drink
our steps next to yours
our sueños mañana al viento.


your eyes I see in my
the wind pushes you tears
but no tears fall to the ground
only poems, written for the wind
We are trees whose roots
the wind
ripped from the ground leaves, stars and a red army soldiers
migratory birds in the wind
The blood of your vineyards
we taste today at your table
the tears of the people

pressed at night on the banks of the Danube
we drink the water of the river
our steps accompany your
our dreams tomorrow the wind


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